30 May 2013

Extra Tire

I have opened an online store selling pets apparels and accessories since last year.
Biz is so-so, because I really have not enough time to concentrate on the marketing and biz strategies.
I totally understand the importance of MARKETING, esp when mine is an online stall. People likes to look at nice stuffs. Who will visit your stall when there is no updates and the website looks like shit. I don't means mine look like shit, but I totally lack the frequent updates part and the website is not informative and attactive enough.

From the bottom of my heart, I know I need to put in extra hardwork.
My boy who is also my business partner takes care of the finances, re-stocking, delivery, after-sales service parts, whereas me is the online marketing. One task but is enough for me to die. From pictures editing to html to copywriting, the amount of work is scary. Especially for me, I have that lazy bone in me which i can never get rid of. I needa sleep, rest and watch TV no matter what. I am a workaholic, but I also have the other extreme side of me as a lazy bum.

I finally put up my mind together and decided to re-do a new blogshop for my stall.
With only myself to work with and my limited photoshop and html skills, this is a great great great challenge for me. Because I need to work during the day and my workplace is bloody far, I can only concentrate to work on my blog during the night. I totally look like a panda now.

My old and broken body is not like the past, when I can rush through sleepless nights to get my assignments done in school. Old auntie me no sleep will die.

Ok, that's all for today I tell myself.
I am going to off my laptop and melt myself into my bed. 12am might sounds early but a few nights of after midnight with work after that is tiring. No like no like no like. Well.... nothing to complain about, because I choose to start this mini business and I am blessed to have my boy supporting me in term of financial and labour work. I will continue to work hard! Will showcase my master piece when ready. For now... if you are interested to know what I am doing.... Please make yourself home at our Facebook Fanpage!


27 May 2013

Your path my path?

I just changed my job not long ago, and I just passed my 3 months probation. I hope I can get more new stuffs to do, and keeps on learning.

Since 2 years back, when I am out of university, 'what are you working as now?' seems to be the top hit question from anyone. Other than the 'When are you getting married?' question, which is always posted by relatives.

My answer is never clear, even till now. The clear-cut answers are banker, banking, teaching, sales, marketing blah blah blah. These answers are the best because they got the idea straight away and will stop there. Because I cannot give a good answer, the conversation tends to go on and on until to the extend I don't even get what I am talking about. Anyway, my major in the university is already not self-explanatory, I always need to explain what I am studying and what I can become in the future. End of story, then they start doubting if there is any 'qian tu' after the course.

I don't know how to give a clear answer anyway, and I don't like to explain so much too. So... all up to their imagination. Anyway, who will really care right?

20 May 2013

Home Holiday with Mochi

My bad, I haven been blogging for a while. 

I tend to get lazy when I blog for myself, because I dont see the reason of spending efforts to write down my thoughts and post the pictures when no one is actually reading except myself. This is very negative, I told myself I shouldnt think this way. I should be bless that I have this personal space to actually rant and share my daily details. Even if I am the only one who actually cares, I will be appreciative a few years down the road when I have this blog which records my life and reminds me the events and people that I forgot. I had a blog long time ago, during my secondary school. I spent a lot of effort doing up the blogskin and I blogged about every boring details in my life, including my daily outfits. During that time, there is no ulzzang, not much online shopping, bonito is not popular, eye liner is harder than Chinese calligraphy. Outfit of the day is just about Tshirt, bell bottom jeans, Converse knickers and Giordano. I got sicked of blogging eventually, the blog got rusty, and I deleted it in the end. I regretted it totally, I don't know whats wrong with my mind that I actually deleted it. It was my logbook of youths. 

I think I should keep my blog now, so that I have something to laugh about when I am 30.

Mummy and daddy were off holiday the past few days, Mochi and myself were given the duty to look after the door. My sister also came to accompany us. I spent my weekend home. I am proud actually, because I managed to take super good care of mochi and myself, and we had a great time with my sister.

Mochi is having some skin inflection again, her skin has been pinkish recently. She gets allergy easily through food and dust. I brought her to the vet on Sat and skipped her grooming appointment on Sunday because I think should wait to cure the wounds first. So now she is technically like a messy polar bear now. She is always like a baby when we are at the vet, damn cute. I must also praise her for being such a good girl in public, esp at the Vet. (I think she is afraid that's why) Anyway~~ She is really a good girl, siting on my laps, observing the other dogs but she never once bark at other dogs. (Good girl)

Mochi is good with medication now, she has to go back for another round of checkup 2-3 weeks later. 

Sister met us after the visiting and we went Doggiestyle Cafe at Nex after that. There was some kind of pups gathering that day, rather crowded. Mochi is rather shy with so many New friends, so she got stunned when we put her on the floor when her new friends got 'over friendly' with her. She simply freaked out. So we had to put her on the table, then she did her past time. Observing the other dogs. 

Order an yogurt ice cream for her. 

We are rather strict to her diet because she is too prone on skin allergy. I don't like to take risk on this. So it is really 'Happy new year' to her she gets such good food. She is enjoying to the max. 
Her fur is too long! Think she is tasting her own fur half of the time.

This is my sister with Mochi. She is like my mum bias to Mochi. Tehee
They always say Mochi is the cutest dog in the world. No matter how smelly she is, she is still clean. Hahaa! Not very logical. 

Mochi and me. We are the best friend in the world. She gets annoying at times, but i give in whenever i see her pairs of watery puppy eyes, as if i just took her toy. 'Ok, you win'

Mochi is on her 3rd day medication now. I hope to see her recover soon so that I can officially remove her cone. She really look like a moving light bulb and I can't stop happy. I think she knew I am laughing at her so I made it up by telling her 'nice nice, Pretty Girl girl.' She feels better... hahaa! GIRLSSsss 

She will be so happy when I tell her mummy and daddy is coming back tonight. I am keeping the good news from her so that she won't get overly excited and tear my house down. 

2 May 2013

Panic attacks

Panic attack is a sudden surge of overwhelming anxiety and fear. It is also quite common these days. I only came to know about this term a while ago and I went to google about it.  Panic attack can happen when an unhappy event triggered the knot, or for no reason. It built up overtime. You can’t track it, you can’t tell when it is coming. It feels like heart attack, the whole body and soul got so tense up to the point you thought you are dying.

I had panic attack twice in my life. I just got to know it is call ‘panic attack’ after I googled it.

They happened when I was really young. I was 11 year old, Primary 5 then. I was a quiet student, my results weren’t fantastic but I never fail. My English Language was poor, but I still passed. My form teacher was a very fierce lady. I don’t remember when I ever stepped onto her tail, she disliked me, find fault with me.
There was once I forgotten to buy my homework, but I swear I really did my homework. She wanted those who forgot the homework to stay back after school to complete it. I told her nicely, said I really left it at home, I can run home after school to get it. I stayed a 10min walk from the school anyway. Moreover, it was my first time, I always submit my work on time. But she didn’t believe me. I can’t remember word by word but she mentioned ‘excuses’, ‘dishonest’ and no. I was just 11 then right? There was also another incident; I remember for life. She was scolding the whole class about some maths questions. Everyone stopped work and look at her which she went crazy scolding the class. I did too. I looked at her, and suddenly she stared at me. I was shocked so I looked away immediately, but I thought, why should I be afraid and look away? Well.. everyone in the class were at fault technically. So I raised my head and looked back at her. Her stare was very scary, so fierce, I tried very hard to maintain the eye contact. Then she said, loudly to the class. ‘Why are you looking at me like that?’ without mentioning any name, and in a very fierce tone. I looked away again, I lost.
I was 11 then, I was a band 1 student for maths.
A few unhappy incidents happened again and I started to develop this fear going school. Other than Maths, she also taught my class English and Science. So technically, I almost see her whole day, everyday. I got really scare to go school. I started crying at night, because morning was so near. I can’t sleep at night. I didn’t dare to step out of the house in the morning but I was also didn’t dare to skip school. I pretend to be sick, mc, but it can’t last for long. I don’t dare to tell my parents or my friends. My family knew I don’t dare to go school but I didn’t mention anything about my teacher. They even thought I got targeted by some ‘dirty thing’. I need people to be around me. But both my parents work and my sister was in Polytechnic, so most of the time I was left alone at home. There are times when I got so afraid alone at home, I cried and screamed and collapsed on the floor, I feel like dying, I thought I was going to jump down from the kitchen window. Yes, this was my first panic attack. Nothing happened in the end because I got alright after a while, but I don’t know how long do I actually laid on the floor.
I recovered a few months later, I don’t know how it happened. Maybe I got used to the scary teacher. Then I got posted to another class in Primary 6, and I also changed my form teacher.

The second time was scarier. I lost part of the memories that happened during the incident. I think my brain was rejecting the images, filtering my thoughts.
I was 12 year old then, primary 6. I was going home after my CCA, it was around 5.30pm, sunny day. I was in my uniform, same school bag, carrying my ring file and water bottle. I was reaching my block and I realized someone following me. I didn’t think much that time, but he got too close and made me feel uneasy. At that moment, I just want to go home quickly. So I speeded up, he did too. I should have gone to my usual econ mini mart and tell the uncle, but I was so lost. Instead, I went to the lift, my block, and he hopped in too. I was so afraid that moment, I can just go out of the lift but I didn’t. Just on time, an aunite got into the same lift, I thought I was saved. But that auntie alighted at the 5th floor when I was going to the 8th. I got another chance to escape by getting out the lift at 5th floor, but I didn’t. At that moment, I just want to go home and shut the door, I can’t think anymore.
The lift opened at 8th. I speeded up, wanting to run out of the lift, but before I can go, he got hold of me from the back. His elbow gripped my neck and the other hand holding a penknift pointing at my face. My memories stopped here, the rest were just bits and pieces. I remembered myself holding my ring file tightly, my water bottle flew away, I got push to the ground, he was much stronger than me, he was fat, dark, white uniform, he wanted to kiss me, he told me I was cute, I tried to get away but I cannot. I shouted for help. I shouted for a long time. No one came. Then finally an auntie heard me and came out of her house, that person then ran away. Nothing happened to me in the end, he didn’t get what he wanted, but I got myself a half fractured arms. I don’t know what I did, I can’t lift up my arm after the incident. Went to the police post and doctor after that.
After the incident, I became to fear human, especially men. I don’t dare to get out of the house alone. I don’t dare to go home after school, so my poor dad had to fetch me everyday. I always thought someone was following me. I don’t wear shorts. I wrapped myself up. I can’t take it when strangers or people I don’t really know got too close to me, even until now. I can’t stay long in an enclose space. I can’t stay still in a dark room, even until now.
Same thing happened, I was always alone at home. I was so afraid at home, I cried, screamed. I thought someone is going to knock down my door and carry me away. I was afraid of that person in white. I thought people were watching me. I collapsed again. I cannot control my emotion, I thought I was going to die, I thought I was going to jump from the kitchen window again. Ya, second panic attack. But I survived through.

In conclusion, there is nothing to learn from this post. I am just using this platform to share my experience. I had never told anyone in details before. Because this makes me feel like a weakling. But I started to use a different point to look at it. I analysed my attacks, so I learn a bit more about myself, my threshold. To better control my emotions. Learn to prevent the 3rd attacks. This is the growing stages right?   

22 Apr 2013

A couple I know

How do we define couples?
To me, as long as both parties agreed to be together, they are a couple. We do not set a level to how we define a couple. There is no limit to how much they must love each other or a guideline to separate the type of love they give to qualify as one.

Couples always give me a no reason kind of sweetness. I think is from their main ingredient - Love.

I know a couple. They are both consider young for a married couple. No, not shotgun, not from rich families., not kids crazy, not sick.
So I ask why. Of cos I didn't ask them personally.
I am curious to know why.

They met many years ago, but they waited a few years before they reunion and finally together. They dated a few years and the wedding bell popped out last year (or the year before??).
Now, they have a roof of their own, with a pet dog. (I think they are financially healthy.)
They house is nicely renovated and decorated, totally theirs.

They always stick together, married or not. They are always like living in their own bubble. The world has only both of them, their eyes only on each other. I often bumped to them on the street, but they are always too engross in their own space and missed me. Anyway, I also dont feel good popping their bubble for my 'hello'.
Last time, I will comment. 'Is there no one else in their world? Aren't they bored facing each other everyday?' I always think that we need to go out and meet new people, new places, new stuffs, especially at that golden age, the more we should lead the most happening part of our life.

Now, I have also passed that youngest, exciting and happening stage of life.
Then, I finally understand why they can stay in their bubble till now. Nothing else. 'LOVE'

They reached that ultimate phrase of life that so many of us actually longed to get. Although they are pretty young at that point, but they made the decision to keep each other. Because at they point of time, despite being young, they understand how the other halves can fill the holes and made them complete. Because they knew they found the right one, what's in the past, what's going on now, what's coming next, are not importance anymore when they are already holding on to the best gift they can ever get. There is nothing worst than not able to see each other when it only 15min apart. They are interlocked, and they created the bubble, just for the both of them, to express their love publicly, proudly.

Thank you for appearing in my life. I hope your unlimited love can  be spread to others around too, like myself. Life is getting practical now and sad to know that we are also losing the true definition of love. Many of us actually finds it hard to 'love'. I agreed that love is hard to find and meet but I dont agree with hard to love because it is very simple when the person is right.

So keep searching, never give up. You won't know, maybe that moment is appearing at the next minute.

15 Apr 2013


I went to CN Blue's Blue moon concert last Sat!
Till now, I am still swimming in their tunes. They are so damn cute!!!!!

I am so glad I went, this is a NONONO regret concert. Their live is awesome, they are also very entertaining using their limited English vocab. They kept the full 2hr 15min going strong and they rocked the whole night!

Didn't managed to take much pictures because they are so strict with photography..
But still! I am glad i kept my eyes on them live than staring on my screen to make sure I dont shake.

Call me simple minded I dont care.
Yong Hwa is so damn cute!!!! I like his high cheek bones so much..... =D
His voice is so powerful, he managed to sing all the rock songs back to back for almost an hour non-stop! Of cos, all of them are talented.. No joke... really talented

 How can 4 of them be so cute at the same time??

hahaa! Got to admit... I still like yong hwa a bit more?? maybe... a little bit more than little bit?
Their hardwork nicely paid off, the concert is great. I believed they have spend a lot of effort for training. Their teamwork and chemistry among each other is awesome. This is what I call... really a Band... a Team.

<3 <3 <3

11 Apr 2013

oh women~~~~~~

I gonna start with a big pic of MYSELF today... wearing my little dirty pink dress.
I know I know... I said I wasnt going to post any picture of myself until I get my hair and face settle down.
I didnt change a bit, just that my hair feel cleaner after changing back to my regular shampoo. I also decided to give my fringe a second chance. I will wait and see until the point I really look like shit then i will snip it off.

I was wondering around Everton after my lunch. I happened to pass by a Primary school. The kids are playing in the basketball court and soccer field. I remembered me and my friends like to walk on the lines on the basketball court and pretend the lines as train railway tracks. One of us will be the driver then the rest as passengers. Then we will walk around the court, stop to 'pick up' and 'alight' passengers. Senseless game and 100% original. Those are the moments when we start our imagination. Trust me or not, that was the best time because whatever come across the mind are possible. Why? because as a kid, to them... Nothing is impossible. We lost the purest in living as we grow old. Not depressing at all. That's a fact. Just like our eyes are not as shiny as a baby. (So that define lenses have biz)

I wonder what are the kids playing now. Gathering in circles to 'Crush Candy'?

The bell rang, and the little ones started to run back to their classes. At the moment, I told myself, this is how kids should be although I seriously cannot take their noise for long.

I started to dream. If I am a teacher? I enjoyed as a home tuition teacher, used to be one last time. I create great bonding with my student. She is now my Facebook and Instagram friend.
I respect Teacher, as an occupation a lot. I do meet teachers who gave me encouragements in building who I am today.

In the world now, anyone can be a teacher as long as you are quantified. But how many are really a Teacher? Teacher should be a well-respected occupation, but sad to know that they are not more than a labour in our Education system. I really respect my friends who choose to be a teacher. It is never an easy job. Good money but really hard money. No matter what benefits, I trust the passion that must exist somewhere in a teacher.

10 Apr 2013


I am getting Fatter

I mean it.

I am not trying to catch some attentions.. hoping people will tell me.. "oh nonsense! you are not fat"

Really really... I am fatter now.
How I can tell?
My face is like a weighting machine seriously. It grows with the amount of fats in my body. When I get fatter, my face also gets rounder so there is no other way to hide!
And sadly, the default shape of my face is also round... so I will never get a pointy face unless I choose to go under knife. First I got no extra cash and Second I SCARE la....
To make my face not so round is my motivation to exercise to burn off the excess fats.

but not the end of world, because I am blessed with a pair of not so long legs so they tend to elongate my face. I have a 40-60 body shape. So not too bad, for a height of 159.5cm.

Round face is already bad enough..... now I got a triple combo. OUTBREAK and UGLY HAIR.

I really dont know why. I didnt change my face care and I didnt touch much seafood so I really got no sense abt the outbreak. I REALLY REALLY hope is my pre-menstrual kind of thing. First time in my life I am really urging PERIOD to QUICKLY come.... oh come on Auntie!!!!!
So hopefully my face can recover a little after that

My last hair cut is 1st Feb. Not too long actually. I think the problem is my FRIGHE! I got a round face so BANGS is usually out of question because it makes the face look even rounder. But I dont know why, I THINK I look better with bangs. then it will become side fringe. Everything is fine until it outgrow a certain point and my hair looks flat like zebra crossing. And my face look BIG and ROUND! like hell I know.
So now my fringe hit the point. I really wish I can have long fringe.. you know... the wind blow kind.... but sadly! I can NEVER wait to that point to see how I look with long fringe. YES this time... I dont think I can take any longer... I am going to snip it off tomorrow. I cannot take it anymore.

And yes! I have alot alot alot of fallen hair recently, cos I overuse my hair treatment.. It is really good and I like it! The sales person told me it can be use everyday but of cos depend on the type of hair... twice a week is enough. Greedy me use it everyday like conditioner and i got my karma.... saded... I think my hair is thinner in a pony now... arggggggg... SAD...

And I think this new shampoo doesnt suit me too.... My hair looks fizzy and worst is I dont feel that my hair is clean after showering! And it turns a little oily by 6pm... madness....... ME no wan like tt.....

So this post gets no photos because I dont look good in watever angle.. call me bimbo or not... I am not taking pic of myself until I feel good again.....


but as usual.... my mochi MUST appear
Yeah this is her celebrating her 3rd birthday.
She is such a joy in my life~~~~

5 Apr 2013


As usual, I look bubbly today because its Friday. TGIF!

Mummies are the greatest women in the world, I am an oversize baby, so my mum had a hard time pushing me out. I am very thankful of her forever, for bringing a healthy me into this world. Of cos, part of the credit goes to my dad too.
I only have an elder sister, we are very close despite the age gap. I feel lonely at times after she got married and moved out. But I know that building a little home of herself is what she always wanted. And I am also very happy when I knew that a little HER is arriving to this world and joining our small but jolly family soon. I look forward to see you my darling girl. I know we will be good friend but ah ee me is not going to forgive you easily if you give ur momo a hard time ya?

Because I knew this good news, I started to take note of little babies and kids around me, as if I am going to be a momo myself. Some kids are scary, so damn noty that I will want to help their mum to give them a tight slap. I just can't walk away without getting affected. So I told myself, I need to be her role model.

I am even very excited when I knew our local famous blogger xiaxue was preg too. She gave birth to a healthy boy on 31 March. I dont know why, but I am feeling excited too.

I always think that life is such an amazing thing. No one know how it starts and how it ends. No... I don't think a heartbeat present everything. A beating heart is just a driver to keep life going, but it does not create a life.

I look forward to see you. =)

ah ya.... mochi look forward to meet u too!

3 Apr 2013

Worst things to happen in train during peak hour

Train fault!

I think its rather common now. Most people do not have the same confidence towards public transport esp train now. The constant breaking down is also breaking the chains of faith. But this has nothing to blame actually. Wear and Tear. And how possible is it to shut down the whole system for a full maintenance check? I can foresee people complaining because they need train to travel around, train service should never never never be shut down!

Anyway train fault is not my main objective today, I am already more or less used to it. But I got to make my point that 'Used to it' is NOT equal to 'Ok with it'
Train faults still suck, tuna packed trains also suck.

I have a lot of super NO NO when got stuck in a super packed train, I am going to list my top 3!

2nd Runner up
Big BagPack

I know you know what I am talking about!
Some men like to carry such big bag pack to work! I don't know put what. I am not limiting or insulting their style and fashion and preference. The thing is their bags kept on pushing the person behind him or maybe her. The person might fall too. Cos the person carrying the bag cannot see whats behind and will not know how much force he used to knock on the person behind. And most of the time, their bags are so HARD, the material so damn good. It can be even painful to hit the person behind. And the worst is you can't really blame them because they DO NOT KNOW!

I think the most considerate way is to put the bag on the floor, if he needs to shift, pick up the damn bag and move and put it back down to the floor again. The train is already so packed and your damn bag is taking up the space of 1 person.

1st Runner up
Pony Tail

Yes Yes YEs! I know you felt the same thing.
Hello ladies, I know pony tails make your chio and younger but please stop shaking your damn head around in a super packed train! It is so freaking irritating when your hair slam on my face or any part of the body. No need to slam, touchy a little is bad enough! How would I know if you wash your hair. And please, your hair do not have the best scent on earth!

Top of the list
YES! One of the worst thing on earth.
There is already a lack of oxygen in the train, so please stop polluting the limited air with your smell. Most of the time I got choked when a sudden flow of smell passed by me. I can feel my face turning green.
Please take extra note on your personal hygiene pls. Don't spoil the beautiful morning.

Talking about BO, I encountered something interesting in a train years back. It was an evening after school, the train is not very packed. I was standing then there was a man who has terrible BO, really terrible. I am not standing next to him but I can 'smell' him. Then slowly, I realised the lady behind me is standing closer and closer to me and start pushing me towards that BO guy. like LOLZ, she did it on purpose to 'save' herself. I told myself to endure as I am just 3-4 stops away from home. Then finally, the lady sitting down infront of me alighted, I was happy because I can sit and stay away from the guy. Then guess what, that stupid woman who pushed me to die ran infront of me to take the seat. I looked at her like WTF. Really stupid woman.
I was really cursing her everything when suddenly the person sitting beside her alighted and the BO guy sat right beside her. HOHOHOHO merry xmas....
This is what I mean by KARMA.
I remembered very clearly. She looked at me with a 'save me' face, and I smile back. Its my signature 'MOCK you DIE' smile. Hahaaa!
I alighted after that, I am actually quite curious to see whats next.

Thank you for reading!

How can I forget about my salted bean mochi girl girl? She must appear in all my post

28 Mar 2013

Pretty weekend ahead

Back dated.

It was my baby girl's 3rd birthday on Tuesday.
Her name is Mochi, I bought her back from a Pet farm on 21 June 2010, Sunday. I always like Maltese and just nice she and her groups of siblings were rooming in the small cage. My mochi was sitting in the cage; stoning... then once in a while, she peeped at me. Then i peeped back.

At this very moment, CHEMISTRY~~~
I told the owner I want to take a closer look at her. Then she was separated from her siblings. She was placed alone in a room while I was eyeing on her. Then she was stoning, then the owner left her alone. THEN she noticed that she was actually alone and then start barking. hahaa!!! This dog not too smart! and so cute!! I LIKE HER!

I got to admit there were cuter dogs there at that time. But you know, owning a dog is FOREVER. So I was really firm to get her and TA! She is one of us now.

I named her Mochi even before meeting her. And it turned out that the name totally matched her!

She is 3 year old now. 4.1kg
Smelly and healthy =)

Its Good Friday tomorrow so meaning long weekend for many of us. I don't usually travel out during long weekend, I believe there is always many to catch up. Rolling on my bed is always top of the list.

To celebrate my happy mood. I put on my blueish purple jeans today!
I really like the cutting. Material is softer than the usual demin material
From Kaohsiung

I am into makeup recently.
Ok, actually not so recent. I enjoy powdering myself, make my eyes bigger, face smaller etc etc... Like which woman dont want to look prettier right?
I really like ulzzang style

Eoljjang (Korean얼짱), also spelled as Ulzzang or Uljjang (Korean pronunciation: [ʌl.tɕ͈äŋ]), is a popular South Korean term literally meaning "best face" or "good-looking". Originally used as a slang term, this word in the English lexicon has evolved into describing a person that follows specific style of fashion.

Maybe I should do a range of my own showcase of ulzzang looks. Should be quite fun...

Face of yesterday and today!

25 Mar 2013

I can't function

Monday is indeed blue today.
Blue Blue Blue....

And I am not functioning at all.
Must be the missing milo.

I want my 3in1 milo~~~~~~~~~
I am missing you Mr Milo

lolz!!! I like the way my eyelids flipped here!!!!

Warm bodies

Went to catch 'Warm bodies' on Saturday, heard quite a lot of good reviews of it and I am always a fan of vampire/zombie kinda of thing.

(I am always an Edward supporter for Twilight Saga)

End of day conclusion; I totally like the movie!

First, I like the plot. It gives a new direction for Zombie's movie. Other than those gross and obscene scenes and casts, love and feeling are used instead. We see a funny and cuties part of Zombies, anyway they were once human too, with love, families and friends. Well, just take the movie easy, it is just a FRICTION. I am so gonna read the book. 

Secondly. What else makes a movie irresistible and plus point? The actors! 
Ya... Nicholas Hoult looks so cute and hot in the movie! Maybe is the eyeliner? 

Hahaa! Not a man crazy, but he is really cute inside! He looks difference from 'Jack' in the movie 'Jack the great slayer'. I didnt know they are the same person until I see the name. So it must be the eye liner!

As usual I went to google about him, and realised he is the Beast in X-men too! Totally difference! The make-up artist rocks.

I was very happy after the movie. I got home around 12am and realised it's a bit early to sleep on a beautiful Friday night/Sat morning, so I decided to do something super random and brainless.



Taken using my phone, Samsung note 2.
Then 'Sexy' filter to make my face looked BLUE and lips looked RED.

Taken with my GF5.
B/W effect.

<P.S for my lousy looking skin, still recovering from an unknown skin allergy>

I know it is super random. I think I am too free really!. 
I did the makeup within 15min. 
I only used 2 tones of eye shadow, both grey and a Gel pencil liner.  
Then extra powder on the face to make myself look fairer but failed. 

Anyway I really think I dont look like a zombie cos my round face looks too 'xinfu' to look like one.
Hahaa! joke of the day...

Lets end with someting light.
So I lighten the eye shadow, switch on my smiling mode, turn off the filter. 


Back to life!!! 
I am reborn!! 

Trying to dig my nose~lolz

21 Mar 2013

Not very productive

Is it the sun or is it me?

I am feeling super restless after my meeting in the morning. Maybe the sun is making me tire.
I am doing my minimum today, so not productive, I should be able to do more than just these. So disappointed with myself.

I am also affected by Candy Crush because I am sicked with repeating level 147 over and over again. I just can't complete it! Pissing me up seriously.

Maybe just a happy thing to share. I completed my life's first 3D model using Revit. Everything is self learned. Although it is just a simple structure but I am still very proud at it! Only architectural part done, I have another 2 more on structural and MEP to go. I am in the building IT consulting line, a rather rare occupation for a lady. 

End off with a pic of myself in my homely BigTee at home!
I am missing my bed....~~~~

20 Mar 2013

Chasing Week


Its mid-week! Warm and beautiful day!

Seriously, I mean SERIOUSLY.
I am running out of clothes to wear! 

People who seen my wardrobe will think that its bullshit. I have a lot of clothes, especially jackets. I am quite a bit collection of them. Its weird to fall in love with jackets when I stay in this warm and humid little island. So there are not much chance to wear so ya.... Most of the time they are ignored in the wardrobe. 

To Celebrate my Monday blue
I managed to dig out my neglected BYSI stripy skirt.
Actually it is nice and really comforty to wear, I should wear it more often 

I really love the black top I am wearing. 
Value for money from Bugis Village and it can simply match with anything. 
YES! anything! 

Monday ended like no other day. As usual not enough time to rest. So I usually wake up later on Tuesday than Monday. 

This is me on Tuesday. 
Getting lazy to mix and match so decided on a one piece dress.
This dress is challenging because it is fitting so whatever size tummy will be damn obvious. So I need to remind myself to suck in the tummy if I do not want to look like a 3 month soon-to-be mummy.

What about today? Feelin so cui so decided to snap my bad hair day.
I really think that as I grow older, my hair also grow slower.
I am longing to grow out of my current embarrassing hair length. And it is taking like forever. 

Time is passing so fast! I can feel myself chasing the week and the finishing point is my precious weekend. Then the whole cycle repeats as the clock hits 12am, Sunday. 

I am really looking forward to April already with my CN Blue concert and Batam getaway lined up! But first! Let me look forward to our long weekend next week. Good FRIDAY!!
oh..... public holiday is such a love~~~~~

Let me end the post with a picture of my little princess, Mochi girl and the most importance woman in my life! my Momo =)