3 Apr 2013

Worst things to happen in train during peak hour

Train fault!

I think its rather common now. Most people do not have the same confidence towards public transport esp train now. The constant breaking down is also breaking the chains of faith. But this has nothing to blame actually. Wear and Tear. And how possible is it to shut down the whole system for a full maintenance check? I can foresee people complaining because they need train to travel around, train service should never never never be shut down!

Anyway train fault is not my main objective today, I am already more or less used to it. But I got to make my point that 'Used to it' is NOT equal to 'Ok with it'
Train faults still suck, tuna packed trains also suck.

I have a lot of super NO NO when got stuck in a super packed train, I am going to list my top 3!

2nd Runner up
Big BagPack

I know you know what I am talking about!
Some men like to carry such big bag pack to work! I don't know put what. I am not limiting or insulting their style and fashion and preference. The thing is their bags kept on pushing the person behind him or maybe her. The person might fall too. Cos the person carrying the bag cannot see whats behind and will not know how much force he used to knock on the person behind. And most of the time, their bags are so HARD, the material so damn good. It can be even painful to hit the person behind. And the worst is you can't really blame them because they DO NOT KNOW!

I think the most considerate way is to put the bag on the floor, if he needs to shift, pick up the damn bag and move and put it back down to the floor again. The train is already so packed and your damn bag is taking up the space of 1 person.

1st Runner up
Pony Tail

Yes Yes YEs! I know you felt the same thing.
Hello ladies, I know pony tails make your chio and younger but please stop shaking your damn head around in a super packed train! It is so freaking irritating when your hair slam on my face or any part of the body. No need to slam, touchy a little is bad enough! How would I know if you wash your hair. And please, your hair do not have the best scent on earth!

Top of the list
YES! One of the worst thing on earth.
There is already a lack of oxygen in the train, so please stop polluting the limited air with your smell. Most of the time I got choked when a sudden flow of smell passed by me. I can feel my face turning green.
Please take extra note on your personal hygiene pls. Don't spoil the beautiful morning.

Talking about BO, I encountered something interesting in a train years back. It was an evening after school, the train is not very packed. I was standing then there was a man who has terrible BO, really terrible. I am not standing next to him but I can 'smell' him. Then slowly, I realised the lady behind me is standing closer and closer to me and start pushing me towards that BO guy. like LOLZ, she did it on purpose to 'save' herself. I told myself to endure as I am just 3-4 stops away from home. Then finally, the lady sitting down infront of me alighted, I was happy because I can sit and stay away from the guy. Then guess what, that stupid woman who pushed me to die ran infront of me to take the seat. I looked at her like WTF. Really stupid woman.
I was really cursing her everything when suddenly the person sitting beside her alighted and the BO guy sat right beside her. HOHOHOHO merry xmas....
This is what I mean by KARMA.
I remembered very clearly. She looked at me with a 'save me' face, and I smile back. Its my signature 'MOCK you DIE' smile. Hahaaa!
I alighted after that, I am actually quite curious to see whats next.

Thank you for reading!

How can I forget about my salted bean mochi girl girl? She must appear in all my post

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