15 Jun 2015

Weekend dinner at Supply & Demand

Went to try out Supply & Demand - Italian Asian Bistro at Orchard Gateway yesterday. Not really a new place, but always wanted to try, so went there for a casual dinner date before our movie.

Reached there about 8pm,so managed to get a table within 10min. We decided not to have pizza as we just had one, son we settled on the chicken and a pasta for sharing. Greedy us added a chunky fries just in case.

The chicken is prepared based on the chef's mood, so meaning it can be in any favour up to the chef to decide. We ended up having a half roast chicken. I really can't tell how the chicken is prepared but to me its just roast chicken la. The chicken is quite tasty and tender, but a bit common.

Then its the pasta, we got a tomato paste one with bacon and minced pork, which is quite a disappointment. The pasta is not cooked, quite hard. And the pork is not fully marinated, as I can still taste the porky taste, which I don't really like it. 

Fries is good, freshly prepared. But we are too full so  we packed more than half the portion back.

Not a really satisfying dinner, maybe I can try their pizza next time if there is a next time.

End off with a Face and Outfit of the day!

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