13 Jun 2015

My new hair colour

Nowadays when I want to DIY my hair colour, I usually choose the Liese Creamy Bubble Colour.

I feel that it does not dry up my hair after application, because some hair dye really damages the hair so much that it looks like grass after that. Then the foam is really creamy, its similar to shampooing. But it can get messy when the foam starts dripping around, so put some newspaper on the floor and wear those old t-shirt during applications. I always dye my hair in my bathroom, so that I can easily wash away any strain after that.

Chose a new colour; Jewel Pink. I am usually not a red head person, but it is always good to try something new.

My originial hair colour, taken in Bangkok last week.

Ta da! The result:
ok, My hair is slightly red now, although not obvious in the picture, and my new grown roots are covered up too. Actually I kinda like it because my previous hair colour has turns yellow and golden, making my face looking a little yellowish and sick. So this has brighten my complexion a little. So alright, mission accomplished. 

On a last note, I really do recommend Liese Creamy Bubble Colour to people who want to dye the hair themselves, alone. This bubble colour is really less troublesome and easy to use.

Product available in all major drugstores!

Till then! 

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