28 Mar 2013

Pretty weekend ahead

Back dated.

It was my baby girl's 3rd birthday on Tuesday.
Her name is Mochi, I bought her back from a Pet farm on 21 June 2010, Sunday. I always like Maltese and just nice she and her groups of siblings were rooming in the small cage. My mochi was sitting in the cage; stoning... then once in a while, she peeped at me. Then i peeped back.

At this very moment, CHEMISTRY~~~
I told the owner I want to take a closer look at her. Then she was separated from her siblings. She was placed alone in a room while I was eyeing on her. Then she was stoning, then the owner left her alone. THEN she noticed that she was actually alone and then start barking. hahaa!!! This dog not too smart! and so cute!! I LIKE HER!

I got to admit there were cuter dogs there at that time. But you know, owning a dog is FOREVER. So I was really firm to get her and TA! She is one of us now.

I named her Mochi even before meeting her. And it turned out that the name totally matched her!

She is 3 year old now. 4.1kg
Smelly and healthy =)

Its Good Friday tomorrow so meaning long weekend for many of us. I don't usually travel out during long weekend, I believe there is always many to catch up. Rolling on my bed is always top of the list.

To celebrate my happy mood. I put on my blueish purple jeans today!
I really like the cutting. Material is softer than the usual demin material
From Kaohsiung

I am into makeup recently.
Ok, actually not so recent. I enjoy powdering myself, make my eyes bigger, face smaller etc etc... Like which woman dont want to look prettier right?
I really like ulzzang style

Eoljjang (Korean얼짱), also spelled as Ulzzang or Uljjang (Korean pronunciation: [ʌl.tɕ͈äŋ]), is a popular South Korean term literally meaning "best face" or "good-looking". Originally used as a slang term, this word in the English lexicon has evolved into describing a person that follows specific style of fashion.

Maybe I should do a range of my own showcase of ulzzang looks. Should be quite fun...

Face of yesterday and today!

25 Mar 2013

I can't function

Monday is indeed blue today.
Blue Blue Blue....

And I am not functioning at all.
Must be the missing milo.

I want my 3in1 milo~~~~~~~~~
I am missing you Mr Milo

lolz!!! I like the way my eyelids flipped here!!!!

Warm bodies

Went to catch 'Warm bodies' on Saturday, heard quite a lot of good reviews of it and I am always a fan of vampire/zombie kinda of thing.

(I am always an Edward supporter for Twilight Saga)

End of day conclusion; I totally like the movie!

First, I like the plot. It gives a new direction for Zombie's movie. Other than those gross and obscene scenes and casts, love and feeling are used instead. We see a funny and cuties part of Zombies, anyway they were once human too, with love, families and friends. Well, just take the movie easy, it is just a FRICTION. I am so gonna read the book. 

Secondly. What else makes a movie irresistible and plus point? The actors! 
Ya... Nicholas Hoult looks so cute and hot in the movie! Maybe is the eyeliner? 

Hahaa! Not a man crazy, but he is really cute inside! He looks difference from 'Jack' in the movie 'Jack the great slayer'. I didnt know they are the same person until I see the name. So it must be the eye liner!

As usual I went to google about him, and realised he is the Beast in X-men too! Totally difference! The make-up artist rocks.

I was very happy after the movie. I got home around 12am and realised it's a bit early to sleep on a beautiful Friday night/Sat morning, so I decided to do something super random and brainless.



Taken using my phone, Samsung note 2.
Then 'Sexy' filter to make my face looked BLUE and lips looked RED.

Taken with my GF5.
B/W effect.

<P.S for my lousy looking skin, still recovering from an unknown skin allergy>

I know it is super random. I think I am too free really!. 
I did the makeup within 15min. 
I only used 2 tones of eye shadow, both grey and a Gel pencil liner.  
Then extra powder on the face to make myself look fairer but failed. 

Anyway I really think I dont look like a zombie cos my round face looks too 'xinfu' to look like one.
Hahaa! joke of the day...

Lets end with someting light.
So I lighten the eye shadow, switch on my smiling mode, turn off the filter. 


Back to life!!! 
I am reborn!! 

Trying to dig my nose~lolz

21 Mar 2013

Not very productive

Is it the sun or is it me?

I am feeling super restless after my meeting in the morning. Maybe the sun is making me tire.
I am doing my minimum today, so not productive, I should be able to do more than just these. So disappointed with myself.

I am also affected by Candy Crush because I am sicked with repeating level 147 over and over again. I just can't complete it! Pissing me up seriously.

Maybe just a happy thing to share. I completed my life's first 3D model using Revit. Everything is self learned. Although it is just a simple structure but I am still very proud at it! Only architectural part done, I have another 2 more on structural and MEP to go. I am in the building IT consulting line, a rather rare occupation for a lady. 

End off with a pic of myself in my homely BigTee at home!
I am missing my bed....~~~~

20 Mar 2013

Chasing Week


Its mid-week! Warm and beautiful day!

Seriously, I mean SERIOUSLY.
I am running out of clothes to wear! 

People who seen my wardrobe will think that its bullshit. I have a lot of clothes, especially jackets. I am quite a bit collection of them. Its weird to fall in love with jackets when I stay in this warm and humid little island. So there are not much chance to wear so ya.... Most of the time they are ignored in the wardrobe. 

To Celebrate my Monday blue
I managed to dig out my neglected BYSI stripy skirt.
Actually it is nice and really comforty to wear, I should wear it more often 

I really love the black top I am wearing. 
Value for money from Bugis Village and it can simply match with anything. 
YES! anything! 

Monday ended like no other day. As usual not enough time to rest. So I usually wake up later on Tuesday than Monday. 

This is me on Tuesday. 
Getting lazy to mix and match so decided on a one piece dress.
This dress is challenging because it is fitting so whatever size tummy will be damn obvious. So I need to remind myself to suck in the tummy if I do not want to look like a 3 month soon-to-be mummy.

What about today? Feelin so cui so decided to snap my bad hair day.
I really think that as I grow older, my hair also grow slower.
I am longing to grow out of my current embarrassing hair length. And it is taking like forever. 

Time is passing so fast! I can feel myself chasing the week and the finishing point is my precious weekend. Then the whole cycle repeats as the clock hits 12am, Sunday. 

I am really looking forward to April already with my CN Blue concert and Batam getaway lined up! But first! Let me look forward to our long weekend next week. Good FRIDAY!!
oh..... public holiday is such a love~~~~~

Let me end the post with a picture of my little princess, Mochi girl and the most importance woman in my life! my Momo =)

15 Mar 2013

Happy Friday!

One thing to like about Friday is the dressing down part.
It just feel better dressing in jeans or any comforty materials after 4 days of serious office look.
Because you feel good in what you are wearing, you are happy!

I often match my Friday with darker eye liner, loud accessories, striking bag. Not to turn myself into a Xmas tree of cos, but I just want my Friday to be a little difference from usual days. I am serious with no OT on Friday if possible, and I make it a point to head out after work, or make sure I am doing something I like if I am staying home. Like watching drama, singing along with my iTune, surfing the net, stalking facebook, games etc.

It just get excited when we are nearing 6pm and weekend starting to wave. Anyway, I think weekend is already waving the moment I am awake.
Weekend is also a good excuse to drop the headaches aside.
"I will settle next week." is a good phrase to use. Shit cant be pick up next week, well... work is never ending. So as long as we pace it well, we are good to go. Shut off if you need.
I know.. when it comes to work, we can't control everything. So a step at a time. is healthy.

So, Hello WEEKEND!!! We meet again!

My nose looks 2D here, its sad that I didnt 'inherent' my dad's pretty nose.
Oh! and my MOLE saying hi!
Its real and I hate it when people thought I drew it on purposely. Like whats the point right?

13 Mar 2013

Staying near workplace is a Happiness

It is mid-week! We are hitting the weekend soon so people hang on! 

I am proud to say that I am not yet dragging my feet to job. I am on my new job for almost a month now. I have a lot to figure out so I am glad I am in a job where I can continue to learn for a long time. 

A happy picture of my daily green tea with my Starbucks mug. 
The mug has been with me since my first job. Best buddy at work and it keeps me healthy and hydrated.

I spent most of time travelling. Because of my off the edge home location, I always need to travel far to places I want to go; School, work, town, great food etc. 
Travelling time to school lengthen after my Secondary education. My polytechnic and university are not near my place, so I need an average 45min to 1hr 30min for a one-way trip. 90min does not sound long but I am talking about Singapore when the training East to West only need about 90min, and I am not referring to bullet train. And with the increasing population and aging of the transportation; the travelling time become even longer. Train or bus ride is no longer enjoying or 'normal', it has become a chore, and I feel like a tuna inbetween sandwiches. I am not sure when is the supposedly 'Peak Hour' when the train is always so pack all the time. Maybe not so bad during working hours. But hello, I still can't stop asking myself 

'Where does all these people come from???? No need to work????'    

Then the logical way to resolve is to take alternative transport mode. 
Bus - The expressways start to jam up from 7.30am in the morning and 5pm in the noon. Then got struck in middle of roads. It will be ok if you got a seat but well, just pray hard you can get one.

Taxi - Too expensive to be true for a young working adult like me

Car - Sorry I cannot afford the piece of paper and that huge machineS on the expressways are scary. 

I am not going to keep complaining the same transport issue over and over again. Too many comments are made and I dont think mine will make any difference. It is always true "Staying near workplace is a Happiness" I pity kids who need to travel so far to get into a 'good' school. National anthem only starts at 7.30am but the poor kids need to wake up at 5am for school. They are so young, do them really care about a 'good' school over an extra hour of sleep or an extra hour of TV/Soccer/Play time the day before? 

I really dont know how to relate a highly population country with the most livable city. We can go higher and higher, lower and lower, but we still need to get to ground somehow, so we still need to fight for the limited space. I really dont know how we can do this but I am interested to watch how to be done, but can I not be involve pls? 

Enough of the complaining, it is already mid-week, there are reasons to celebrate. 

Lets end with a picture of my outfit today!
The black vest is amazing. I got it from Hong Kong. Cheap and very easy to match.
Skirts, Pants, Jeans, Shorts 
Light and thin material, great choice for Singapore
Shall do an intro soon!

12 Mar 2013

I also want to dress pretty

世上没有丑女人 只有懒女人
meaning 'There is no ugly woman in the world, only lazy woman"

I agree to this statement but I need to make my point strongly that that this statement applies to men too! So guys, please also do take care of your personal tidiness and nearness too. There is no more such thing that only sissy or metro care to be pretty~ cosmetic for men in Korea is selling like Tsunami okay?

Okay, not to side track anymore..
What I want to say is I am one of the 懒女人.. lazy women...
I also want to dress pretty, awesome hairstyle, baby skin... To be honest, I don't need a Prada to get me going. I really think that to wear something cheap and make it look EXPENSIVE is of higher level. So I call myself the budget queen. But of cos! My end result is far from what we call chio bu or 'style bu'.

I got to admit that my fashion sense last time, when young around 17~ is close to terrible. I was very into Taiwan that time, sinking into my Taiwan drama most of the time. Spent my time falling in love with Wu Chun and Show Luo.
So, my fashion is very much like a Taiwanese girl. I was even proud to say I was 'Taiwan Style' last time. I overdo in most days; colourful,cute-looking accessories, booties - Ya! in bloody hot Singapore, I must be insane - in summary: Overdress. And my make-up skill that time is cui, I was darker then; Sorry not those healthy glow, I look burnt instead and my hair is damn dry with a hairstyle that makes my bowling ball face even more bowling. Face mask and hair mask/treatment is not much in trend that time, and I was far from enough cash to do such maintenance for myself. AND most importantly, I was fatter.

N years back~ Mad woman wearing boots and bomber jacket on a hot afternoon. 
Exposing the round tummy is a NO-NO ladies, please don't learn! 

I got even worse pictures but they are lost along the way when I changed my phone...
There was no Korean fashion or hairstyle or make-up to refer that time, so I make do with what fishing in my head. 
I always wonder if I am back to 18 years old, how will I look like? I am very sure with the korean as the next in-thing around, I will dress better. 

And to continue the Taiwan style story, I didnt improve much until my exchange programme to Korea in 2009, also the time when Super Junior and SNSD are as popular like the first 'Lao Ban Dou Hua'. That was when I finally knock some sense into my head and wear like a normal person. And I live with it till now.

I didn't say that I am fashionable now, I am still far from that. But what I can say is I am sure to have my own style. But something stays, I still love my accessories. I still put on multi of them now and cannot resist to buying during holidays and online shopping. I go out with 4 different rings on 2 hands but always make it a point to dress basic so that there is only 1 focus point on me. 

Am in the working life for 2 years now. I am still not a fan of office wear and heels although I do know dressing formal can be a stylist thing too. Problem is now... I am lazy and I am lack of cloth to make some efforts.

However I feel a little motivation now because there are too many pretty bloggers around and I really love the way they dress and admire their effort to take great pic of every top. They can be motivations you know. And weirdly, I really get a little pinch when I look at myself. I am not asking myself to suddenly spend so much effort and money on dressing up. But am reminding myself to dress happy and look happy everyday because I know this is ONE good way to make myself REALLY happy. So why not do something so that I can stop my complaints about the ugly woman in the mirror? My mood is good when I know I dress good that day and confidence boast up. It is like you feel better when you know you are wearing a boy shorts under your mini skirt than a G-string. You understand? You just feel better!!! 

Let's end with some pictures of le face. Ok FILTER, correct. I am using FILTER. So I don't look 100% alike in real life.   

Working outfit for today!

A picture of my coconut.
"Mochi do you need a hair band?"

5 Mar 2013

I walked around

My new job allows me to have a lot of personal time. Although most of the time i am expected to be independence on my work, i see this more like a freedom when i can pace my own job.

I am also blessed that my new office is at the edge of CBD, so i do not need to squeeze with the lunchtime crowd or 'chop' my sit with tissue packets. I also skipped the stress to dress up to match the working crowd so that i am not the odd one out.

Lunch time today, as usual, my shuttle bus stopped at everton park. I didn't know its existence until i started my job. Everton park is located at Tanjong Pagar. There are many apartments there, private or not. The famous Duxton is over that too, but i think there many more interesting stuffs there rather than an overly beautified HDB.

The HDB over there are quite old, whats interest me are the rows of tiny shops at the ground floor; shophouses. I like to walk around there to look at the little shops. There are all kinds of shops and you can never spot a pattern there. from pet grooming... cafe... printing service.... rubber stamp maker... provision shop... paint reseller... tiles supplier... vet... clinic.... kueh seller... duo hua shop... etc etc... all kinds of shops with NO link at all.

Everton is a sleepy town, I haven seen much people rooming around except in some of the cafe during lunchtime. I really wonder... how they survive?? I can't help staring at the stores esp cafes because it is my LOVE. But i wouldnt dare to stare long without buying anything. You see... I can't afford cafe every lunch.... I will be able to take great pictures there! such a pain to walk around without any snapping....

Actually this is just what i am longing for. i always wanted to open a small cafe, but the amazing thing is i dont really drink coffee except blended. it is not the coffee i am tasting for, but is rather the home warming feeling a cafe can give which can help to do soul searching, relaxation, clear the mind.... i never under estimate the power of a little cafe. i am still looking for a ME cafe in singapore, i love the green tea frappe from starbucks but most of their outlets are too noisy and looking for a seat is like more difficult than scoring an A1 for my english.

will update again if so happen i found my ME cafe...