12 Mar 2013

I also want to dress pretty

世上没有丑女人 只有懒女人
meaning 'There is no ugly woman in the world, only lazy woman"

I agree to this statement but I need to make my point strongly that that this statement applies to men too! So guys, please also do take care of your personal tidiness and nearness too. There is no more such thing that only sissy or metro care to be pretty~ cosmetic for men in Korea is selling like Tsunami okay?

Okay, not to side track anymore..
What I want to say is I am one of the 懒女人.. lazy women...
I also want to dress pretty, awesome hairstyle, baby skin... To be honest, I don't need a Prada to get me going. I really think that to wear something cheap and make it look EXPENSIVE is of higher level. So I call myself the budget queen. But of cos! My end result is far from what we call chio bu or 'style bu'.

I got to admit that my fashion sense last time, when young around 17~ is close to terrible. I was very into Taiwan that time, sinking into my Taiwan drama most of the time. Spent my time falling in love with Wu Chun and Show Luo.
So, my fashion is very much like a Taiwanese girl. I was even proud to say I was 'Taiwan Style' last time. I overdo in most days; colourful,cute-looking accessories, booties - Ya! in bloody hot Singapore, I must be insane - in summary: Overdress. And my make-up skill that time is cui, I was darker then; Sorry not those healthy glow, I look burnt instead and my hair is damn dry with a hairstyle that makes my bowling ball face even more bowling. Face mask and hair mask/treatment is not much in trend that time, and I was far from enough cash to do such maintenance for myself. AND most importantly, I was fatter.

N years back~ Mad woman wearing boots and bomber jacket on a hot afternoon. 
Exposing the round tummy is a NO-NO ladies, please don't learn! 

I got even worse pictures but they are lost along the way when I changed my phone...
There was no Korean fashion or hairstyle or make-up to refer that time, so I make do with what fishing in my head. 
I always wonder if I am back to 18 years old, how will I look like? I am very sure with the korean as the next in-thing around, I will dress better. 

And to continue the Taiwan style story, I didnt improve much until my exchange programme to Korea in 2009, also the time when Super Junior and SNSD are as popular like the first 'Lao Ban Dou Hua'. That was when I finally knock some sense into my head and wear like a normal person. And I live with it till now.

I didn't say that I am fashionable now, I am still far from that. But what I can say is I am sure to have my own style. But something stays, I still love my accessories. I still put on multi of them now and cannot resist to buying during holidays and online shopping. I go out with 4 different rings on 2 hands but always make it a point to dress basic so that there is only 1 focus point on me. 

Am in the working life for 2 years now. I am still not a fan of office wear and heels although I do know dressing formal can be a stylist thing too. Problem is now... I am lazy and I am lack of cloth to make some efforts.

However I feel a little motivation now because there are too many pretty bloggers around and I really love the way they dress and admire their effort to take great pic of every top. They can be motivations you know. And weirdly, I really get a little pinch when I look at myself. I am not asking myself to suddenly spend so much effort and money on dressing up. But am reminding myself to dress happy and look happy everyday because I know this is ONE good way to make myself REALLY happy. So why not do something so that I can stop my complaints about the ugly woman in the mirror? My mood is good when I know I dress good that day and confidence boast up. It is like you feel better when you know you are wearing a boy shorts under your mini skirt than a G-string. You understand? You just feel better!!! 

Let's end with some pictures of le face. Ok FILTER, correct. I am using FILTER. So I don't look 100% alike in real life.   

Working outfit for today!

A picture of my coconut.
"Mochi do you need a hair band?"

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