5 Mar 2013

I walked around

My new job allows me to have a lot of personal time. Although most of the time i am expected to be independence on my work, i see this more like a freedom when i can pace my own job.

I am also blessed that my new office is at the edge of CBD, so i do not need to squeeze with the lunchtime crowd or 'chop' my sit with tissue packets. I also skipped the stress to dress up to match the working crowd so that i am not the odd one out.

Lunch time today, as usual, my shuttle bus stopped at everton park. I didn't know its existence until i started my job. Everton park is located at Tanjong Pagar. There are many apartments there, private or not. The famous Duxton is over that too, but i think there many more interesting stuffs there rather than an overly beautified HDB.

The HDB over there are quite old, whats interest me are the rows of tiny shops at the ground floor; shophouses. I like to walk around there to look at the little shops. There are all kinds of shops and you can never spot a pattern there. from pet grooming... cafe... printing service.... rubber stamp maker... provision shop... paint reseller... tiles supplier... vet... clinic.... kueh seller... duo hua shop... etc etc... all kinds of shops with NO link at all.

Everton is a sleepy town, I haven seen much people rooming around except in some of the cafe during lunchtime. I really wonder... how they survive?? I can't help staring at the stores esp cafes because it is my LOVE. But i wouldnt dare to stare long without buying anything. You see... I can't afford cafe every lunch.... I will be able to take great pictures there! such a pain to walk around without any snapping....

Actually this is just what i am longing for. i always wanted to open a small cafe, but the amazing thing is i dont really drink coffee except blended. it is not the coffee i am tasting for, but is rather the home warming feeling a cafe can give which can help to do soul searching, relaxation, clear the mind.... i never under estimate the power of a little cafe. i am still looking for a ME cafe in singapore, i love the green tea frappe from starbucks but most of their outlets are too noisy and looking for a seat is like more difficult than scoring an A1 for my english.

will update again if so happen i found my ME cafe...

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