28 May 2015

The Outdated Blogskins

I think I am a Vainpot, who is a complete Self-Obsess.
Managed to dig out the blogskins I did ages ago, and you will be able to get my point.  

I think......
I can see myself appearing in all my skins!!!!! Hahaa! oh come on I know.... lol! 

27 May 2015

Fun with the Denim Way!

I am always a fan of denim, denim gives all outfits a kind of stylish relaxing feel. When you are in a loss of what to wear, you will never go wrong with a pair of denim shorts, denim jeans or a comfortable denim jacket. 

I used to wear a lot of long skinny jeans, because it creates an illusion pair of long slim legs and also able to beat the cold of the lecture rooms during my university days. Those were the days....

So ya, I decided to do a post for denim by creating different looks using the same denim top and see how it goes? 

So this is a $15 denim top I got from Hong Kong. No brand, cheap cheap. 

This is one of my favourite tops because it acts as both shirt and outer wear. I usually match it with a small white tank top inside to give a relaxing 2 pieces look. 

There are always days when we got a lot of clothes to wear but we just feel that we got NOTHING to wear. Dresses are easy because 1 piece to settle all troubles. But dresses can get boring overtime, and also boring and obvious if we keep rotating the few dresses (unless you have mountain of dresses then that's a different case). MIX AND MATCH is a great option to recycle clothes that we don't often wear. 2 boring pieces of clothes may turn into something nice? So don't limit to what you SEE in your wardrobe, start getting your hand busy to make up something special! Dressing up can be real fun! 

School day? 
Dating day? 
Friday dress down work day? 
Weekend bunch? 
Girlfriends gossip day?

Denim has it all taken care of.....!

Yet another school day. Too much details is not a good choice because you don't want to get pinpoint by the professor ya.
White high waist shorts to save the day! Match it with a bag pack for the heavy laptop and notes and tie up your hair into a high pony tail! Student ma..... you have all the authorities to be YOUNG!
Feeling ulzzang? 
Get the snapback on!

Or something more chillax favour? A crop top with denim outer wear will do the shot.
 ok, if you really love your snapback so much... 

Or feeling sexy?... I will choose to match with a pair of sneaker.

Going for a date? Boyfriend will like something more girly?
Match with a thin belt to show more waistline 

A day at work? 

The lists to match denim will go on.... 
Above are the few styles I pick up in 5 min last night, there are definitely many other better styles to sync with denim.  
Just for interest! Till then! 

25 May 2015

The Unwanted Flu Virus

I haven been active recently, no matter is blogging, taking pictures, hanging out. Plans were called off, cancelled. Was caught up by the flu virus a week ago, the sickness has been coming back and forth, not getting away yet. Complete wet blanket.

I am that kind of body who gets flu as the weather turns hot, so I often sneeze when the sun is burning hot outta. Yup, so in this summer, there is nothing new than getting back the flu virus. And when it comes, it don't go off easily.

I am in between jobs now, so I have the leisure to actually stay at home while the running nose comes chasing after me. Despite to have the time to have ample rests and no worry about the 7am alarm call, my current dark circles are the blackest this year. I can't sleep at night or any part of the day, because my nose is completely blocked and I kept coughing. The med made me drowsy, but I still can't get into any sleep even with the spinning head. So I tried to breathe harder, but the sudden intake of oxygen gave me headaches. So hard to please! Changed like 10,000 positions throughout the night, but still don't seem to get into a proper sleeping mode. I gave up trying to sleep, staring at the ceilings, playing games and watching dramas, the next thing I know is 6am. Finally able to fall asleep but will be awake in a couple of hours  as the urge to cough comes again and the nose starts to run.

My skin is super dry too. My face is usually oily (I have combination skin), but when I got flu, the facial oil seems malfunctioning as well. My skin gets very much dryer. Then I will blow my nose a lot, which caused a lot of rubbing between my skin and the tissues, especially the areas around my lips. So now I got a lot of pimples popping out near my lips, which is so damn irritating.

Just hope the flu can quickly get away, so that I can regain my energy to fight the whatever coming up, and be ready for my next phrase of life. Till then.

20 May 2015

Continue Post for Etude House Gel Nails Review

If you haven read my earlier post on my first experience using the Gel Nail range from Etude House, you can get the post from the link here.

I am going to do a post review for my nails.
Gelish is supposed to last about 3 weeks or more, that's why they cost much higher than normal medicure. So I am now at 1 week mark from the day I did my nails, I will say that I am quite disappointed with the gelish.

Above is a picture taken today, as you can see, I have 3 'nails' missing, and they are all painted using the Etude House Gel Nail. The other 4 fingers in white are painted using Gelish Nail, and they are still tagged on nicely. 

When the first gel came off yesterday, I thought it maybe my application fault so the gel is not tagged on properly. Then the 2nd and the 3rd gels came off, and I made a conclusion that it may be the nail polish's fault, not me. If it's my fault then the white one should came off as well, especially for my most hardworking right index finger. Btw, I also have a feeling that the gel on my right thumb is coming off too. 

Ok, to be fair. This is only my first encounter with Etude House Nail Gel, maybe something went wrong along the way. Maybe I need more layers, or I should paint the edges more, or I did too much chores this week. Will try again and maybe I will get alternative results? But I do like the smooth application part, especially the brush.   

Ok, Time to repaint my nails... 

19 May 2015

Awesome Annie's Way Jelly Mask

ps: This is not a paid ad.

I  am so exciting to share with you ladies my all time favourite top of the list beauty product, it is not other than the Annie's way Jelly Mask!

All ladies deserve to be pretty, so make-up technic is the rule of game. However, I still think we should never forgo the importance of a clear skin with that tint of healthy glow. Thus, there are range and range of skincare products rolling into the market. So how to select the one that is most suitable to our skin? Nah... no special technic, it is only through understanding our skin and trying out (trying luck too). 

So So happen, last year (or the year before), I came across the Taiwanese top beauty talkshow 女人我最大, Lady's first, and they are introducing this awesome jelly mask from Annie's way, a Taiwanese brand. The result is so instant, I got so excited that I started to surf more information about the product. My favourite beauty guru Bubzbeauty also recommended Annie's way! It turns out that Annie's way is already very popular in Taiwan and Hong Kong. Sadly at that point in time, Singapore does not offer Annie's way, so my first purchase is via online buy. 

Annie's way Jelly mask come in various 'favours' and each with its special function: 
  1. Arbutin + Hyaluronic Acid Brightening Jelly Mask - Brightening and lighten dark spots
  2. Rose Essence Jelly Mask  - Whitens and illuminates
  3. Q10 Anti-aging Jelly Mask - Prevents skin aging
  4. Italy Red Wine Jelly Mask - Regulate skin dullness
  5. Aloe Moisturizing Jelly Mask - Oil control and minimize pores
  6. Lavender Relaxing Jelly Mask - Regenerate and repair tired and damaged skin
  7. Honey Deep Moisturizing Jelly Mask - Nourish dry skin and keep skin hydrated
  8. Charcoal Black Jelly Mask - Control oil and provide deep cleanse 
  9. Snail Repairing Jelly Mask - Repair and nourish skin
  10. Calendula Softening Jelly Mask - Moisturize and soften sensitive skin

Today I am going to share with you my experience with the Arbutin + Hyaluronic Acid Brightening Jelly Mask, which is also the top seller. 

So far, I have only tried the Hyaluronic Acid and Aloe Vera one. There was once when I got a really bad outbreak, I am afraid the Hyaluronic mask will be too heavy for my skin, so I got the Aloe Vera hoping it can smoothen  my burning skin. It turns out well, managed to cool down my skin while it recovered. I will recommend Aloe Vera to people who just want a mask for everyday use. 

Ok lets START!
The Arbutin + Hyaluronic Acid Brightening Jelly Mask is the ultimate hot seller, always OOS! This mask is the awesome choice for people who wants INSTANT skin brightening effect! You must be thinking that such instant effect must be boosted with various chemicals, totally understand because I have the same concern before. However this jelly works otherwise with whitening, moisturizing and minimizing fine lines powers, also leave skin radiantly! 

Seriously... So magical? 

The Arbutin + Hyaluronic Acid Brightening Jelly Mask is made up of
  1. Arbutin Extract (a natural whitening agent)
  2. Hyaluronic Acid better known as 尿酸 on the Taiwanese beauty talkshow (instant hydration and lifting effect)
  3. Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate (a form of Vitamin C to improve hydration and elasticity)
  4. Dipotassium Glycyrrhizinate (improve skin condition)

Ok, too out of reach. Let's do it in the layman way! 
I am going to share my experience using the awesome top seller Arbutin + Hyaluronic Acid Brightening Jelly Mask 
All the following photos are taken without any filter or editing. Please don't laugh at my bare face... 

Bare face me with the mask, ladies please tie up your hair if you don't want them to soak up in the jelly later. 

I usually keep my opened mask in the fridge, it will leave a so COLDDDDDDDDDDDDD feeling when I apply the mask on my face. Oh ya, each tab of mask comes with a spatula that you can use to dig out the mask. Will get messy ya, so be prepare. 

Instruction is very easy, dig out the mask and apply to the entire face, avoiding the eyes. It is recommended to apply a thick layer about 3mm for better result. 

DA!!!!! Then leave it on for a good 30-40 min..... 

I always apply more on my 2 cheeks. Who don't want to have a pair of rosy apple cheeks? 

Good thing about this mask is that it won't harden so you can still walk around, chat a little bit so that time will pass faster. Of cos I am not referring to big expression la.

Me too bored doing the 喜怒哀乐 post

Ok times up! 
Removal is a bit troublesome, you have to use the spatula to slowly stripe off the jelly from the entire face. The use a dry towel to wipe away the excess, I usually use kitchen paper as tissue is too soft. Then wash your face in lukewarm water, it will take a while to completely clean up the face. 

Time to witness the miracle!
No change of light or any form of editing, you can find my complexion 2 tones fairer and spots are lightened too. Also very scarily, my cheeks lifted a little. It all happens in the magical 40min!

Super happy with the results! How to not love you tell me?
I usually use the mask at night, when I will pump on a thin layer of my moisturizer and off to my lala land. Or it will be during weekend before heading out. 

Ok to rate this product. I will definitely give it a 5/5 stars, because the result is good and I am the loyal user since 2 (or 1) years back. Although a bit slow, Singapore SaSa is finally carrying Annie's Way selling at $32.90 and $40 for the Rose Essence one. But of cos still much cheaper in Taiwan, I always stocked up when I am there, each tab is about $16-18 depending on the exchange rate. But of cos more convenience to have it in our own comfort zone.  

Why so good?
  • Result is just too awesome? Need no more explanation
  • Instant effect, emergency use! 
  • Pocket friendly, Reasonable price. Each tab is 250ml, twice weekly can last about 1 month. 
  • Texture is neither watery or sticky 
  • Choice for people with sensitive skin. I have dull complexion and my skin is usually oily especially at the T-zone area. I am selective to mask because I get breakout if I used products that are too rich for my skin. So I don't choose products that contain collagen or royal honey. This mask works just fine for me!
Why not?
  • Be sure to bun up all your hair, if not it will get real piss off to have all your hair sticking on your jelly face
  • Hygienic concern. Because we need to open and close the container alot during applications, contaminated is possible. So I don't recommend keeping the opened mask for too long.
  • It actually states that the mask will help remove blackheads as well, but I don't see any of my blackheads coming out. I will guess this only apply to people with serious blackhead problem. 
  • Takes a while to wash off completely. Be sure that your face is completely clean okay?!
  • Entire application takes about 45-1 hour, so make sure you are not in a hurry. 

You can find more information about Annie's way on their official website, but its in Chinese la:
Or you can search the youtube, I am sure you can find a lot of review videos

Remember we all deserve to be the princess, so always pamper yourself .
Till next time Beautiful! 

13 May 2015

Gel Nail Journey: First trial with Etude House Gel Nail!

I think I should start keeping an album for my nail art works. Definitely not going to turn into a business yet, but surely as a hobby now.

This time round tried Etude House gel polish, I am a frequent user for their cosmetics, because the packaging is too pretty not to use and their prices are reasonable. Saw their range of gel nails polish, grabbed a pretty purple (colour #26) and decided to try their gel nails polish for the first time.

Okay, I will say I am surprise to see the colour with only 1 layer of application, didn't manage to take a picture but the colour is only about 2 tones lighter than the final piece below. I applied 2 coats and I got the result 99% similar to the colour label on the bottle. Ya know the feeling when you tot you will achieve the colour shown on the box, but it turns out completely different in real, especially DIY hair dye, always not easy to guess the final colour unless you used it before. So I am happy with the result!

I am comparing Etude House nail polish with Gelish nail polish, because most of my colours are from Gelish. 

Another thing I like about Etude House nail polish is the brush, it is harder than Gelish, so it is easier to print the entire nail evenly. Also, the brush is smaller so better control, especially as gelish is more watery than normal nail polish. 
I also find Etude gel watery but thick. Its like water, good for even application, but it is thick at the same time, so the colour is pigmented. You don't need to keep on applying to get the colour you want. Also, too many layers make the coating too thick and uneven. Like the face foundation, cakey. 

A close-up of my random flower abstracts 

However, Etude House gelish comes in much smaller bottle, as compared to the other brands. I used gelish for comparison again.                                             
So I might have to stock up faster than other brands. $$$$
In summary
  • Brush is harder, good for fast and event application
  • Brush is smaller, better control especially for people with smaller nail beds
  • Colour is pigmented, 2 coats are enough
  • Colour is true to the label on the bottle 
  • Small bottle, faster re-stock maybe?
  • Range of colours not fantastic 

Etude House Gel polish can be found in all Etude House Store.
You can view the full range of colours in this link

Till next time!