27 Jul 2015

Antman the Movie

Just caught the movie "Antman', yet another creation by Marvel last week.

I am truly a fan of these Superheros movies, and my greatest hero is no other than Spiderman! I am always upset that Spiderman is not consider as one of the Avengers, but still I think he is just great in his stand alone movies.

Anyway, I was a little skeptical before I watched the movie, because I totally haven heard of 'Antman'. I thought it's a new 'Man' created by Marvel, it was only after the movie when I asked my dearest friend Google and found out this is a classic hero character as well. So just how many heroes does Marvel has?
Anyway, I find this movie quite nice. Marvel's Superhero movies are not just about fighting, their scripts are always very fine written with a touch of humble and funny characters. I was laughing quite a lot throughout this movie.

Antman is actually a Suit, so any commoners wearing this suit will inherit the superpower of an Antman, but of cause with proper training to control the powers.
So this story is about this Suit inverted by an old Scientist long ago, but he decided not to reveal this technology to the public because it's a threat to the whole world if this piece of technology is not put into proper use. This scientist owned a well known technology firm and he has a very smart student as his assistant. But ended up this smart student was trying to steal the Antman technology but failed, and managed to chase the old scientist out of the company.

So the real story starts when many years later this student managed to create a similar 'Antman' technology and he is up to no good. So the old scientist and his daughter decided to steal this technology so as to prevent the end of world or something. So they need a Man to wear the Antman suit that the scientist invented, become the Antman and steal the technology. Yup you're right, in the end the Antman managed to steal the technology and saved the world.

His power:
As written on wiki
"Ant-Man had the power to shrink himself (and other people and objects along with himself) to the size of an ant and return to normal. Over time, he has acquired the ability to change size at will, seemingly without the need for the gas.[volume & issue needed] His cybernetic helmet allows rudimentary telepathic communication with insects, and is equipped with sound amplification equipment allowing normal-sized humans to hear him. The helmet also has a retractable plexiglass face shield and a limited air supply. Lang retained his normal strength in ant size."

Although I find this movie nice, I am still very much freak out during many parts of the movie. Because Antman has the power to communicate with ants, so expect a lot of ants scenes! It really itches my whole body all the way up to the tip of my scalp. omg!!!! I must stop recalling now....
Especially those red ants~~~~~ arggggggggggg

I will give this movie a 4/5 popcorn, I will recommend people who has a thing for super heroes to go for this movie. Not a very amazing plot or twisted storyline, but it's still a good catch.

Ok that's all!


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