Anyway back to my post, Horror movies? My man and I enjoy watching movies a lot, it made up a great part of our usual dates. I knew some people will say its boring, but how many times will a couple curdles over a TV show out of the movie dates?
Horror movies are a good choice of movie for dates, especially for the men who will have an advantage. Trilling and horror are really not my cup of tea, I usually don't watch such movies alone or with my friends. I will spent most of the movie time hiding my head to the person next to me leaving only 1 eye out. I find it quite embarrassing infront of my friends, but I have completely no issue with my man, he understands me very well so we always curdle throughout the movie with me occasionally screaming and stunning him off.
We caught 'Sinister 2' last night. It's movie about Boogie man. There are a lot of sayings about 'Boogie man', but generally it's a kind of devil who punishes bad kids and making these kids to do something bad/ scary, or some says they actually fed on these kids. Whatsoever, nothing good.
So for Sinister 2, the story line is very familiar to the first one, except that the first one everyone died and the later one left 3 living ones, but based on the open ending (like all horror movies do) they will all still be dead later.
You can find a good write-up of the storyline here by wiki.
This movies has alot of creatures jumping out suddenly and you can hear everyone screaming, really not a choice for weak hearts and kids.
I will give this movie a 3/5 popcorn.
The storyline is very much the same as the first one, so it's not hard to anticipate what's next, but you will still get it from the sudden loud musics and appearance of the boogie man.
You know some of the horror movies are just so hard to understand, too much of the focus is put to scare people off that the storyline is totally neglected and ended up we viewers have no idea what the hell is going on. But for 'Sinister 2', the storyline is not hard to follow and you will still get the frights along the way.
Yea, that's my thought for the movies. Hope you will enjoy your movie dates as much as I do!